Amateur contest with an Individual run format (:45) based on the number of participants. If a jam format is needed with higher participant numbers, they will be 2 minutes long.
3-5 Judges per competition. Less for Game of Skate.
Scoring Criteria
Skill – degree of difficulty and creativity of tricks
Consistency – number of tricks made
Style/artistic/originality – General aesthetic appeal of run
Other judges notes
Skater’s attitude
Judges will take the best run by skater. Everyone gets at least two (2) runs either individually or in Jam format.
Game of Skate Rules
1. The first skater tries a trick of their choice.
2. No trick can be landed more than once.
3. On offense (when demonstrating a trick) the trick must be landed clean on all four wheels: No toe drag, rail landings, manual landings, caspers, hands on the skateboard or on the ground.
4. Grabs, no-complies, handplants or bonelesses are not allowed in the contest.
5. If the first player does not land their trick, it is the next player’s turn.
6. Once a player lands his/her trick cleanly the other player has to imitate it and land it first try as well.
7. On defense (when imitating a trick) there is a bigger margin for error landings. This will be decided by a referee.
8. If a defensive player does not land the trick demonstrated by the offensive player, they receive a letter of the word S.K.A.T.E
9. If you have already received four letters (S.K.A.T) you are allowed two tries for imitating a trick.
10. Once a player has received all five letters (S.K.A.T.E) letters, they have lost and are out of the game of S.K.A.T.E.
11. The last remaining skater wins.
May 9-10, 2025
May 9
6:00pm - Game of Skate Check-in
7:00pm - Game of Skate
16 and under
17 and up
May 10
10:00am Skate Lessons Intermediate Level
11:00am Skate Lessons Beginner Level
12:00pm - Skate League Check-in
12:30pm - 15 and Under -
Top three (3) Overall
Top three (3) 12 and under
Judges awards
(Ex. If a 6 year old places first in the 15 and under, it would exclude them from the 12 and under award)
2:30pm - Check-in Mini Ramp Open
3:00pm - Mini Ramp Open
Top three (3) overall
Top Female
Top three (3) 16 and under
Judges awards
5:30pm - Check-in Street
6:00pm - Street Open
Top three (3) overall
Top female
Top three (3) 16 and Under
Judges awards
Live entertainment, Exhibitors, Food, Art, High Ollie, Best Trick

Admission / Comp entry
$5 spectator entry to watch the competitions (12 and under not skating is Free)
$5 to skate and not compete
$10 per competition
There will be an outside (weather permitting) skate industry marketplace for selling, sampling and experiential branding. It is $25 unless you promote the event at least 2x on social media then it is FREE. You would receive at least a 10 x 10 space. You would need to supply your tables/chairs/tents. If you are interested in exhibiting, please contact 317-498-5299 or email events@sequencesports.com.
​Cash and product sponsorships/donations available. We can help to position your brand or service within the event to engage consumers. Or we can answer your need in supporting a community event and/or the industry itself, Sponsorships start at $100. If you are interested please contact events@sequencesports.com or 317-498-5299 to discuss/receive options and deliverables.